Tuesday, February 26, 2013

don't rain on my parade... unless it means more daffodils.

i am grateful. for so many things. for friends that call me, family that supports me, faith that grounds me, rock wall that i can climb, legs and feet that allow me to get around, snacks, old curmudgeons that are adorable, bananas, orangutans,  music that makes me dance, words that make me think, color, stories that make me want to change, struggles that make me stronger, socks that keep my feet warm, daffodils, ...

the list continues in my heart... but really all i want to accomplish today is hope. my hope dies when my gratitude dies. but, when i do recognize my blessings, i am not afraid. in fact, i feel empowered.

and it makes me ready.

ready for anything.

so, with my heart full of gratitude and hope, my mind is at ease. my body willing to press on. willing myself to get up and make something beautiful.

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